Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things I Miss About The U.S.

1- fabric softner sheets

  • I wash my clothes in the machine but hang them out to dry.  The sun makes them very stiff but I refuse to have the housekeeper, who comes once a week, iron my clothes.  Though I may not be reluctant the next time she comes because my clothes feel rough after they have dried.

2- antibacterial hand sanitizer

  • I don't use it very often in the States, but soap and paper towels can be a rarity in some establishments, and for some reason antibacterial sanitizer is not very popular here.

3- meshes in windows

  • helps to keep the bugs out.  I enjoy opening the windows to get fresh air, but the other day as I was blogging, a lizard came darting toward me.  I screamed at him to get out and thankfully he scurried back out the window.

4- (real) high speed  internet

  • it's actually not that slow, but I'm used to the warp speed that I get back home.  Plus, with all the picture uploading I've been doing, it takes forever.

5- driving on the "right" side of the road

  • I know one of these days, I'm going to make a right hand turn into on-coming traffic :(  I just keep reminding myself that the oncoming traffic should be to the right of me.

6-traffic signals that work

  • Many of the traffic lights tend to be out.  So you have to use your best judgment and look in all directions before proceeding.  I'm starting to realize why so many of the traffic poles are bent over from cars ramming into them.

7- 2-ply (or more) tissue

  • the tissue is still soft, but I end up using more than I usually do because it never seems to be thick enough.  

8- (American) football season

  • Facebook helps in keeping me up to date, but with the time difference (and no cable) I can't keep up with how the teams are doing.

9- metro/subway

  • I walk to many places, but boy wouldn't it be nice if I could hop on a train instead of one of those crazy  taxi/buses to get where I'm going.

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